Dead space unitology church
Dead space unitology church

  • The Superman Elseworlds story Last Family of Krypton features a positive portrayal of a Church of Happyology - Raology, founded by Kal-El's mother Lara.
  • The E-Man comic had the Church of Technolography, led by Elrod Flummox, who talks almost entirely in bizarre psychological jargon.
  • McTavish: When I founded, this was the purpose, and TODAY THAT PURPOSE WILL BE FULFILLED. Don't sinkhole here when talking about the Church of Scientology in real life. Compare and contrast Scout-Out and other forms of Writing Around Trademarks.įor clarity, the name "Happyology" here refers specifically to the parodies, not to the real religion. See also Cult, Religion of Evil, Path of Inspiration, Corrupt Church, and Scam Religion. You might also see some of the hyper-specific Orwellian terminology like 'suppressive persons', if a creator thinks subtlety is overrated. You can tell a Happyology-style parody religion from another Parody Religion by the presence of celebrity characters trampolining on couches, an evil alien overlord, multiple tiers of membership that require large sums of money to advance through, the withholding of certain outlandish doctrines or beliefs from members until the reach a certain level, and devices that are sort of like lie detectors being used for counseling sessions. note Funnily enough, there is an actual new religious movement/cult in Japan called " Happy Science ". Parodies therefore frequently use a "Church of Happyology", a stand-in religion that is well enough veiled to stave off lawsuits, but still transparent enough to allow clued-in people to identify the actual target. Lampooning this religion directly, or even uttering its name and a word against it, may expose unwary parodists to severe civil penalties.

    dead space unitology church

    Naturally, this just makes them easier to mock. This has been demonstrated by the church breaking out the lawyers to suppress any potential source of mockery by lawsuit, along with hiring private investigators to dig up dirt on critics (and in a few cases, even framing critics for various crimes).

    dead space unitology church dead space unitology church

    You'll be so happy, you'll puke rainbows! The Church of Scientology has a reputation for being very protective of its public image, and of being extraordinarily sensitive to what it considers defamation.

    Dead space unitology church